dana college造句
- He attended Dana College and was an insurance executive and realtor.
- Dana College in Blair, Nebraska, was begun as a preparatory school.
- Dana College expected its students to live on campus for all of their years.
- In the 1930s Dana College became an accredited four-year school and began awarding bachelor's degrees.
- He taught at Dana College in Blair, Nebraska, where he was chairman of the communications division.
- At Dana College, Petersen was University of Wisconsin.
- He later attended the University of Oregon and Dana College in Blair, Nebraska, but never graduated.
- The school eventually became a two-year college, and then a four-year college, now known as Dana College.
- In Nebraska, the couple visited Dana College.
- In 1896, the seminary was relocated and consolidated with Trinity Seminary at Dana College in Blair, Nebraska.
- It's difficult to see dana college in a sentence. 用dana college造句挺难的
- While attending Dana College, Henderson was on the wrestling team, and was twice named an NAIA All-American.
- Dana College in Blair continued to be a college of the ELCA until its closure in 2010.
- In 2010, the Dana College, founded by the Danes of Omaha in neighboring Blair, Nebraska, closed as well.
- Her husband, Brian, is from Nebraska and graduated from Dana College in Blair, Neb ., in May 2000.
- Kristian Anker served as President of Trinity Seminary ( 1899 1902 ) and Dana College ( 1899 1905 ).
- Five men were appointed by the United Church to serve as Presidents of both the Dana College and Trinity Seminary.
- In addition, he established Victor Borge Scholarship funds at the University of Connecticut and at Dana College in Blair, Neb.
- He was also President of Dana College ( 1925 29 ) and Trinity Seminary, and served in many leadership positions in the UDELC.
- After he was expelled from City College at 18, Milgram was taken in by Dana College, later Newark University and now a part of Rutgers.
- After graduating from high school, he attended Dana College in Blair, Nebraska and graduated in 2006 with a double major in criminal justice and sociology.
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